Understanding Form and Space

·     Form and Space: The Unity of Opposites 
Form and space the unity of opposites this is when positive and negative shapes a perceived as figures and the negative portion of space serves as the background for the figure. This is basically the interpretation of anyone ’s visual interaction between positive and negative elements.

   Defining Space With Horizontal Elements 

Horizontal space defining elements are categorized as a based plane, elevated base plan, depressed base plane, and overhead plane. And I’ll go into depth and explain the different horizontal spaces.

A base plane is when a horizontal plane is laying flat on the floor or surface.

An elevated base plan is when a horizontal plane is elevated above the ground. 

A depressed base plan is when a horizontal plane is immersed or depressed into a ground plane. 
An Overhead plane  is a horizontal plane that located overhead or above ground level

·     Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements 
Vertical linear elements stand as column supports for a Horizontal continuous classical building
supported by columns and walls. Are use elements consist of a single vertical plane, parallel
vertical planes, L shaped planes,  U-shaped planes, and closure. 

·     Qualities of Architectural Space :
Qualities of architectural spaces are the degree of enclosure, light,  view, 
Proportion, scale, and Definition. And the quality of architectural space is basically the patterns of
Linear and planar elements that define the discrete volume of space.

·     Openings in Space Defining Elements 
An opening in space defining elements is for spatial and visual continuity. Openings also determine patterns of movement, allows light to penetrate within a space and illuminate the surface of a room. Additionally, the openings offer views from multiple rooms, They establish visual representation between rooms and adjacent spaces. These openings also provide natural ventilation within the space.


  1. I really like your choice of images and your definitions are easy to understand, but I think perhaps adding some diagram overlays can help make your explanations even better. Nice work!


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